Medici Center Shanghai

A Distinct Identity

The Medici Center Shanghai (MeCS) hopes to become China’s premier Renaissance research institute, whose aim is to fund original scholarship and inspire a deeper interest of Italian Renaissance culture in China through events, research and teaching. MeCS will serve both scholars and non-academics, acting as a hub for Renaissance studies in China. Crucially, the center provides important links with Western scholarship through its relationship with the Medici Archive Project, a core part of which will be the opportunity to attend an advanced archival study program in Florence.

An Overview

MeCS will provide an in-depth education for students, aspiring academics and interested professionals offering a curriculum covering the contextual history of this period and providing training in the key skills needed to undertake scholarly research.

The institute will have access to Renaissance primary sources (volumes and manuscripts) for research allowing its students the unique opportunity of learning first hand from original sources whilst in China.

It will operate as a hub for both Renaissance scholars and enthusiasts in China.

Crucially it will provide important links with western scholarship through the work of the Medici Archive Project in Florence, a core part of which will be the opportunity to attend the advanced archival studies course in Florence.

Mission: To inspire a deeper interest in the understanding of Renaissance history and Italian culture in China through research and teaching.

Vision: To be the first and most prestigious research and teaching center focused on Renaissance Studies in China.

Teaching Aims

The core of our work in Shanghai will focus on delivering a number of courses a year providing preparatory training for Chinese scholars, students and professionals for their research and/or further learning prior to attending the advanced courses and/or “on-site” learning in Florence. Through this intense two week combined course (half in Shanghai, half in Florence) they will receive a good first-hand training in Italian Renaissance culture. As alumni of both MAP Florence and the MeCS, we hope to maintain connected with students for future programs.

Research Activity

MeCS will become the main research center for Renaissance Studies in China, hosting lecture series, seminars and exhibitions, providing opportunities for engaging discourse and encouraging its students to collaborate on and share research.

Medici Villa at Poggio a Caiano
Palazzo Davanzati
Opificio delle Pietre Dure
Museo di San Marco
Biblioteca Riccardiana
Biblioteca Domenicana di Santa Maria Novella